Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Rape Over

One night I was walking the halls of Memorial Medical Center as a patient and I heard a rumor that a staff member had had sex with a male patient. (The patient would have had to have been male - the ward was a male ward). Later that night I saw staff members toying with 3 cell phones leading me to believe only one thing. They were victimizing the subject of the rape / pornographic photos were being transmitted direct to others or the internet. WHY IS THIS IN ANY CASE ANY FORM OF ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR FOR A STAFF PERSON IN A MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY AND WHY IS IT BEING OVERLOOKED?

There can be no justification for this crime. To the already depressed victim - it can be a permanant devastation. In many ways - I believe it to be more vicious than incarceration because the crime creates a repeating wave of mind trauma on the victim.

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